
I develop audiovisual experiences for web & devices since 2001.

I run Lazy Lady, where I make experiences for iPhone, web, touch devices or whatever a great idea brings to the table.


For every new project there is a new technological challenge.

There is no technology fit for everything. I use technologies such as Openframeworks, Processing, Cocos2D, Unity, HTML, Flash and iOS. However in the end these are just technologies that help getting results. The challenge is going from idea to result with appropriate technology, regardless prior knowledge.

With help from great clients I have done projects that involved bungy jumping with a car (Chevy Sonic, US), filming people at Times Square, New York and projecting the results on a huge billboard (Samsung Galaxy 3 Launch), requesting people to show their ‘true colors’ filming themselves telling their own story (Absolut Vodka Colors), gathering Twitter messages and having them being printed physically while projecting live streams of printers filling up a huge transparent box (Ericsson, Big Cheer), have users compose their own car commercial with a video sequencer (Lexus Amazing Mix), a radio player with custom applications to explore while listening (Swedish Radio, Radioapan), escape from the big bad wolf in a maze based game (Disney) and a whole lot more.